These docs are for v3. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.3.

ASP.NET Quickstart

Seq is a great companion to both the full-framework and .NET Core versions of ASP.NET.

To use Seq with ASP.NET, first install Seq using the instructions in the Getting Started with Seq guide.


Seq is a great fit for the structured logging support in ASP.NET Core. The full functionality of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging is supported, including correlation identifiers added by the framework (RequestId and so-on), application events, and the framework's own integrated logging.


Seq can be used on .NET Core through:

ASP.NET on the Full .NET Framework

The SerilogWeb.Classic package hooks application lifecycle events to provide request and error logging on ASP.NET 4.

Read this introductory article to configure the package in a full .NET Framework application.