These docs are for v2023.2. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.3.

Alert Notification Properties

Notifications from Alerts (including template-based HTML Email) can include the following fields:

PropertyContainsExample (JSON syntax)
Alert.HavingClauseThe having clause that represents the alert condition"count > 5"
Alert.IdThe id of the alert that triggered the notification"alert-1234"
Alert.OwnerUsernameThe Seq username of the user who owns the alert, or null if the alert is shared"admin"
Alert.QueryThe Seq query that generated the alert"select count(*) as count
from stream
group by time(1m)
having count > 5"
Alert.SignalExpressionDescriptionA human-readable description of the signal applied to the underlying data"Errors in Production"
Alert.TimeGroupingThe window over which the alert is measured, as a string"00:30:00"
Alert.TitleThe title of the alert, as defined on the dashboard"High Error Rate"
Alert.UrlA link to the alert itself in Seq""
FailuresAn array of errors that occurred when checking the alert["X failed", "Y failed"]
NamespacedAlertTitleThe title of the alert, prefixed with the owner's username if the alert is persona."admin / High Error Rate"
Source.ContributingEventsA table of events contributing to this notificationSee Contributing Events below
Source.RangeEndThe (exclusive) end of the range over which the alert was checked when the notification was triggered"2021-10-28T12:34:56.789"
Source.RangeStartThe (inclusive) start of the range over which the alert was checked when the notification was triggered"2021-10-28T12:33:56.789"
Source.ResultsThe results that triggered the notificationSee Results below
Source.ResultsUrlA link to Seq where the results can be inspected""
SuppressedUntilThe datetime until which the alert is suppressed"2021-10-28T12:35:56.789"

Contributing events

Contributing events, if included in the notification, are a table represented as an array of arrays.

The first row describes the columns of the table.

  "Source": {
    "ContributingEvents": [
        ["@Id", "ToIsoString(@Timestamp)", "Message"],
        ["event-123", "2021-10-28T12:34:56.789", "Unhandled exception"],
        ["event-456", "2021-10-28T12:34:57.890", "An operation timed out"]


The results property is a table represented as an array of arrays.

The first row describes the columns of the table.

  "Source": {
    "Results": [
        ["time", "Application", "count"],
        ["2021-10-28T12:34:56.789", "Cafe", 7],
        ["2021-10-28T12:34:57.890", "Warehousing", 11]

Notification properties

Properties that are explicitly added to the alert's notification properties are included at the root of the notification payload.