These docs are for v2021.3. Click to read the latest docs for v2024.3.

Command-line Client

The Seq command-line client supports logging (seqcli log), searching (search), tailing (tail), querying (query) and JSON or plain-text log file ingestion (ingest), as well as a number of administration tasks.


Getting started

The Seq installer for Windows includes seqcli. Otherwise, download the release for your operating system. Or, if you have dotnet installed, seqcli can be installed as a global tool using:

dotnet tool install --global seqcli

To set a default server URL and API key, run:

seqcli config -k connection.serverUrl -v https://your-seq-server
seqcli config -k connection.apiKey -v your-api-key

The API key will be stored in your SeqCli.json configuration file; on Windows, this is encrypted using DPAPI; on Mac/Linux the key is currently stored in plain text. As an alternative to storing the API key in configuration, it can be passed to each command via the --apikey= argument.

seqcli is also available as a Docker container under datalust/seqcli:

docker run --rm datalust/seqcli:latest <command> [<args>]

Use Docker networks and volumes to make local files and other containers accessible to seqcli within its container.



seqcli <command> [<args>]

Available commands:

  • apikey
  • app
    • app define — Generate an app definition for a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in.
    • app run — Host a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in.
  • config — View and set fields in the SeqCli.json file; run with no arguments to list all fields.
  • dashboard
  • feed
  • help — Show information about available commands.
  • ingest — Send log events from a file or STDIN.
  • license apply — Apply a license to the Seq server.
  • log — Send a structured log event to the server.
  • node
    • node demote — Begin demotion of the current leader node.
    • node health — Probe a Seq node's /health endpoint, and print the returned HTTP status code, or 'Unreachable' if the endpoint could not be queried.
    • node list — List nodes in the Seq cluster.
  • print — Pretty-print events in CLEF/JSON format, from a file or STDIN.
  • profile
  • query — Execute an SQL query and receive results in CSV format.
  • retention
  • sample
    • sample ingest — Log sample events into a Seq instance.
    • sample setup — Configure a Seq instance with sample dashboards, signals, users, and so on.
  • search — Retrieve log events that match a given filter.
  • signal
  • tail — Stream log events matching a filter.
  • template
  • user
  • version — Print the current executable version.
  • workspace

apikey create

Create an API key for ingestion.


seqcli apikey create -t 'Test API Key' -p Environment=Test
-t, --title=VALUEA title for the API key
--token=VALUEA pre-allocated API key token; by default, a new token will be generated and written to STDOUT
-p, --property=NAME=VALUESpecify name/value properties, e.g. -p Customer=C123 -p Environment=Production
--filter=VALUEA filter to apply to incoming events
--minimum-level=VALUEThe minimum event level/severity to accept; the default is to accept all events
--use-server-timestampsDiscard client-supplied timestamps and use server clock values
--permissions=VALUEThe permissions to delegate to the API key; the default is Ingest
--connect-username=VALUEA username to connect with, useful primarily when setting up the first API key
--connect-password=VALUEWhen connect-username is specified, a corresponding password
--connect-password-stdinWhen connect-username is specified, read the corresponding password from STDIN
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

apikey list

List available API keys.


seqcli apikey list
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the API key(s) to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single API key to list
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

apikey remove

Remove an API key from the server.


seqcli apikey remove -t 'Test API Key'
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the API key(s) to remove
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single API key to remove
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

app define

Generate an app definition for a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in.


seqcli app define -d "./bin/Debug/netstandard2.2"
-d, --directory=VALUEThe directory containing .NET Standard assemblies; defaults to the current directory
--type=VALUEThe [SeqApp] plug-in type name; defaults to scanning assemblies for a single type marked with this attribute
--indentedFormat the definition over multiple lines with indentation

app run

Host a .NET [SeqApp] plug-in.


seqcli tail --json | seqcli app run -d "./bin/Debug/netstandard2.2" -p [email protected]
-d, --directory=VALUEThe directory containing .NET Standard assemblies; defaults to the current directory
--type=VALUEThe [SeqApp] plug-in type name; defaults to scanning assemblies for a single type marked with this attribute
-p, --property=NAME=VALUESpecify name/value settings for the app, e.g. -p [email protected] -p Subject="Alert!"
--storage=VALUEA directory in which app-specific data can be stored; defaults to the current directory
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server, used only for app configuration (no connection is made to the server); by default the connection.serverUrl value will be used
--server-instance=VALUEThe instance name of the Seq server, used only for app configuration; defaults to no instance name
-t, --title=VALUEThe app instance title, used only for app configuration; defaults to a placeholder title.
--id=VALUEThe app instance id, used only for app configuration; defaults to a placeholder id.
--read-envRead app configuration and settings from environment variables, as specified in; ignores all options except --directory and --type


View and set fields in the SeqCli.json file; run with no arguments to list all fields.

-k, --key=VALUEThe field, for example connection.serverUrl
-v, --value=VALUEThe field value; if not specified, the command will print the current value
-c, --clearClear the field

dashboard list

List dashboards.


seqcli dashboard list
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the dashboard(s) to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single dashboard to list
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to list dashboards for; by default, shared dashboards are listd
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

dashboard remove

Remove a dashboard from the server.


seqcli dashboard remove -i dashboard-159
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the dashboard(s) to remove
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single dashboard to remove
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to remove dashboards for; by default, shared dashboards are removd
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

dashboard render

Produce a CSV or JSON result set from a dashboard chart.


seqcli dashboard render -i dashboard-159 -c 'Response Time (ms)' --last 7d --by 1h
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single dashboard to render
-c, --chart=VALUEThe title of a chart on the dashboard to render
--last=VALUEA duration over which the chart should be rendered, e.g. 7d; this will be aligned to an interval boundary; either --last or --start and --end must be specified
--by=VALUEThe time-slice interval for the chart data, as a duration, e.g. 1h
--start=VALUEISO 8601 date/time to query from
--end=VALUEDate/time to query to
--signal=VALUEA signal expression or list of intersected signal ids to apply, for example signal-1,signal-2
--timeout=VALUEThe execution timeout in milliseconds
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

feed create

Create a NuGet feed.


seqcli feed create -n 'CI' --location="" -u Seq --password-stdin
-n, --name=VALUEA unique name for the feed
-l, --location=VALUEThe feed location; this may be a NuGet v2 or v3 feed URL, or a local filesystem path on the Seq server
-u, --username=VALUEThe username Seq should supply when connecting to the feed, if authentication is required
-p, --password=VALUEA feed password, if authentication is required; note that --password-stdin is more secure
--password-stdinRead the feed password from STDIN
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

feed list

List NuGet feeds.


seqcli feed list
-n, --name=VALUEThe name of the feed to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single feed to list
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

feed remove

Remove a NuGet feed from the server.


seqcli feed remove -n CI
-n, --name=VALUEThe name of the feed to remove
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single feed to remove
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used


Show information about available commands.


seqcli help search
-m, --markdownGenerate markdown for use in documentation


Send log events from a file or STDIN.


seqcli ingest -i log-*.txt --json --filter="@Level <> 'Debug'" -p Environment=Test
-i, --input=VALUEFile(s) to ingest, including the * wildcard; if not specified, STDIN will be used
--invalid-data=VALUESpecify how invalid data is handled: fail (default) or ignore
-p, --property=NAME=VALUESpecify name/value properties, e.g. -p Customer=C123 -p Environment=Production
-x, --extract=VALUEAn extraction pattern to apply to plain-text logs (ignored when --json is specified)
--jsonRead the events as JSON (the default assumes plain text)
-f, --filter=VALUEFilter expression to select a subset of events
-m, --message=VALUEA message to associate with the ingested events; syntax is supported
-l, --level=VALUEThe level or severity to associate with the ingested events; this will override any level information present in the events themselves
--send-failure=VALUESpecify how connection failures are handled: fail (default), retry, continue, or ignore
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--batch-size=VALUEThe maximum number of events to send in each request to the ingestion endpoint; if not specified a value of 100 will be used

license apply

Apply a license to the Seq server.


seqcli license apply --certificate="license.txt"
-c, --certificate=VALUECertificate file; the file must be UTF-8 text
--certificate-stdinRead the license certificate from STDIN
--automatically-refreshIf the license is for a subscription, periodically check and automatically refresh the certificate when the subscription is changed or renewed
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used


Send a structured log event to the server.


seqcli log -m 'Hello, {Name}!' -p Name=World -p App=Test
-m, --message=VALUEA message to associate with the event (the default is to send no message); syntax is supported
-l, --level=VALUEThe level or severity of the event (the default is Information)
-t, --timestamp=VALUEThe event timestamp as ISO-8601 (the current UTC timestamp will be used by default)
-x, --exception=VALUEAdditional exception or error information to send, if any
-p, --property=NAME=VALUESpecify name/value properties, e.g. -p Customer=C123 -p Environment=Production
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

node demote

Begin demotion of the current leader node.


seqcli node demote -v --wait
--waitWait for the leader to be demoted before exiting
-y, --confirmAnswer [y]es when prompted to continue
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

node health

Probe a Seq node's /health endpoint, and print the returned HTTP status code, or 'Unreachable' if the endpoint could not be queried.


seqcli node health -s
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

node list

List nodes in the Seq cluster.


seqcli node list --json
-n, --name=VALUEThe name of the cluster node to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single cluster node to list
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used


Pretty-print events in CLEF/JSON format, from a file or STDIN.


seqcli print -i log-20201028.clef
-i, --input=VALUECLEF file to read, including the * wildcard; if not specified, STDIN will be used
-f, --filter=VALUEFilter expression to select a subset of events
--template=VALUESpecify an output template to control plain text formatting
--invalid-data=VALUESpecify how invalid data is handled: fail (default) or ignore
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

profile create

Create or replace a connection profile.


seqcli profile create -n Production -s -a th15ISanAPIk3y
-n, --name=VALUEThe name of the connection profile
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server, if required

profile list

List connection profiles.


seqcli profile list

profile remove

Remove a connection profile.


seqcli profile remove -n Production
-n, --name=VALUEThe name of the connection profile to remove


Execute an SQL query and receive results in CSV format.


seqcli query -q "select count(*) from stream group by @Level" --start="2018-02-28T13:00Z"
-q, --query=VALUEThe query to execute
--start=VALUEISO 8601 date/time to query from
--end=VALUEDate/time to query to
--signal=VALUEA signal expression or list of intersected signal ids to apply, for example signal-1,signal-2
--timeout=VALUEThe execution timeout in milliseconds
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

retention create

Create a retention policy.


seqcli retention create --after 30d --delete-all-events
--after=VALUEA duration after which the policy will delete events, e.g. 7d
--delete-all-eventsThe policy should delete all events (currently the only supported option)
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

retention list

List retention policies.


seqcli retention list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single retention policy to list
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

retention remove

Remove a retention policy from the server.


seqcli retention remove -i retentionpolicy-17
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single retention policy to remove
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

sample ingest

Log sample events into a Seq instance.


seqcli sample ingest
-y, --confirmAnswer [y]es when prompted to continue
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--quietDon't echo ingested events to STDOUT
--batch-size=VALUEThe maximum number of events to send in each request to the ingestion endpoint; if not specified a value of 100 will be used

sample setup

Configure a Seq instance with sample dashboards, signals, users, and so on.


seqcli sample setup
-y, --confirmAnswer [y]es when prompted to continue
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used


Retrieve log events that match a given filter.


seqcli search -f "@Exception like '%TimeoutException%'" -c 30
-f, --filter=VALUEA filter to apply to the search, for example Host = ''
-c, --count=VALUEThe maximum number of events to retrieve; the default is 1
--start=VALUEISO 8601 date/time to query from
--end=VALUEDate/time to query to
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
--signal=VALUEA signal expression or list of intersected signal ids to apply, for example signal-1,signal-2
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

signal create

Create a signal.


seqcli signal create -t 'Exceptions' -f "@Exception is not null"
-t, --title=VALUEA title for the signal
--description=VALUEA description for the signal
-f, --filter=VALUEFilter to associate with the signal
--group=VALUEAn explicit group name to associate with the signal; the default is to infer the group from the filter
--no-groupSpecify that no group should be inferred; the default is to infer the group from the filter
--protectedSpecify that the signal is editable only by administrators
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

signal import

Import signals in newline-delimited JSON format.


seqcli signal import -i ./Exceptions.json
--mergeUpdate signals that have ids matching those in the imported data; the default is to always create new signals
-i, --input=VALUEFile to import; if not specified, STDIN will be used
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to import signals for; by default, shared signals are importd
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

signal list

List available signals.


seqcli signal list
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the signal(s) to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single signal to list
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to list signals for; by default, shared signals are listd
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

signal remove

Remove a signal from the server.


seqcli signal remove -t 'Test Signal'
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the signal(s) to remove
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single signal to remove
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to remove signals for; by default, shared signals are removd
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used


Stream log events matching a filter.

-f, --filter=VALUEAn optional server-side filter to apply to the stream, for example @Level = 'Error'
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
--signal=VALUEA signal expression or list of intersected signal ids to apply, for example signal-1,signal-2
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

template export

Export entities into template files.


seqcli template export -o ./Templates
-o, --output=VALUEThe directory in which to write template files; the directory must exist; any existing files with names matching the exported templates will be overwritten; the default is .
-i, --include=VALUEThe id of a signal, dashboard, saved query, workspace, or retention policy to export; this argument may be specified multiple times; the default is to export all shared entities
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

template import

Import entities from template files.


seqcli template import -i ./Templates
-i, --input=VALUEThe directory from which to read the set of .template files; the default is .
--state=VALUEThe path of a file which will persist a mapping of template names to the ids of the created entities on the target server, avoiding duplicates when multiple imports are performed; by default, import.state in the input directory will be used
--mergeFor templates with no entries in the .state file, first check for existing entities with matching names or titles; does not support merging of retention policies
-g, --arg=NAME=VALUETemplate arguments, e.g. -g ownerId=user-314159
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

user create

Create a user.


seqcli user create -n alice -d 'Alice Example' -r 'User (read/write)' --password-stdin
-n, --name=VALUEA unique username for the user
-d, --display-name=VALUEA long-form name to aid in identifying the user
-f, --filter=VALUEA view filter that limits the events visible to the user
-r, --role=VALUEThe title of a role that grants the user permissions on the server; if not specified, the default new user role will be assigned
-e, --email=VALUEThe user's email address (enables a Gravatar image for the user)
-p, --password=VALUEAn initial password for the user, if username/password authentication is in use; note that --password-stdin is more secure
--password-stdinRead the initial password for the user from STDIN, if username/password authentication is in use
--no-password-changeDon't force the user to change their password at next login
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

user list

List users.


seqcli user list
-n, --name=VALUEThe username of the user(s) to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single user to list
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

user remove

Remove a user from the server.


seqcli user remove -n alice
-n, --name=VALUEThe username of the user(s) to remove
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single user to remove
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used


Print the current executable version.

workspace create

Create a workspace.


seqcli workspace create -t 'My Workspace' -c signal-314159 -c dashboard-628318
-t, --title=VALUEA title for the workspace
--description=VALUEA description for the workspace
-c, --content=VALUEThe id of a dashboard, signal, or saved query to include in the workspace
--protectedSpecify that the workspace is editable only by administrators
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output

workspace list

List available workspaces.


seqcli workspace list
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the workspace(s) to list
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single workspace to list
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to list workspaces for; by default, shared workspaces are listd
--jsonPrint output in newline-delimited JSON (the default is plain text)
--no-colorDon't colorize text output
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used

workspace remove

Remove a workspace from the server.


seqcli workspace remove -t 'My Workspace'
-t, --title=VALUEThe title of the workspace(s) to remove
-i, --id=VALUEThe id of a single workspace to remove
-o, --owner=VALUEThe id of the user to remove workspaces for; by default, shared workspaces are removd
-s, --server=VALUEThe URL of the Seq server; by default the connection.serverUrl config value will be used
-a, --apikey=VALUEThe API key to use when connecting to the server; by default the connection.apiKey config value will be used
--profile=VALUEA connection profile to use; by default the connection.serverUrl and connection.apiKey config values will be used