Server Command Line
The seq.exe
executable (Windows) and datalust/seq
container (Docker) have an extensive command line for performing administration tasks.
seq <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
Command | Description |
auth | Change authentication provider |
backup | Write a backup of the Seq configuration and metadata |
bind-ssl | Bind an installed SSL certificate to an HTTPS port served by Seq |
browse | Open a web browser on the Seq user interface |
config clear | Clear fields in the Seq.json file |
config create | Create a default Seq.json file, if none exists |
config get | View a field from the Seq.json file |
config hash | Read a password from STDIN and print a salted, Base64 encoded cryptographic hash of the password that is suitable for storing in configuration fields (leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed) |
config legacy | View and set fields in the Seq.json file; run with no arguments to list all fields |
config list | View all fields in the Seq.json file |
config set | Set a field in the Seq.json file |
doc | Generate documentation |
help | Show information about available commands |
metastore dump | Dump entries from Seq's internal metastore into JSON files |
metastore to-mssql | Reconfigure and move the internal metastore to a Microsoft SQL Server/Azure SQL Database |
metastore to-postgresql | Reconfigure and move the internal metastore to a PostgreSQL database |
node describe | Describe the cluster role of this node |
node follow | Put this node into the follower role |
node lead | Put this node into the leader role |
node reset | Reset the current node to standalone state |
node setup | Set up this node as a member of a Seq cluster; the node will be configured in the follower role |
restore | Restore from a backup of the Seq configuration and metadata |
run | Run the server process |
secret clear | Remove a configuration field override from the secret store |
secret set | Override a configuration field by adding a value to the secret store |
service install | Install the Seq server as a Windows service |
service list | List Seq Windows services installed on the machine |
service restart | Restart the Seq Windows service |
service start | Start the Seq server as a Windows service |
service status | Show the status of the Seq Windows service |
service stop | Stop the Seq Windows service |
service uninstall | Uninstall the Seq Windows service |
show-key | Print the encryption key ('secret key') used to protect sensitive fields and backup files |
unlock | Reset a user's password |
version | Print the current executable version |
Type seq help <command>
for detailed help.
Change authentication provider.
Option | Description |
--basic | Switch to basic username/password authentication; must be specified in conjunction with name and new credentials for an administrative account |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-p , --password=VALUE | The password for the user account |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
-u , --username=VALUE | The name of the user account |
Write a backup of the Seq configuration and metadata.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-p , --path=VALUE | The folder path where the backup file should be stored (default: current directory) |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
Bind an installed SSL certificate to an HTTPS port served by Seq. Windows only.
Option | Description |
--hostname=VALUE | If SNI is used, the specific host name to bind to (default is to bind to all hostnames via the IP address) |
--port=VALUE | The port on which the Seq server is listening (default is 443) |
--thumbprint=VALUE | The thumbprint of the SSL certificate to bind; this can be found with the Manage computer certificates program |
Open a web browser on the Seq user interface.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
config clear
config clear
Clear fields in the Seq.json
Option | Description |
-k , --key=VALUE | The field, for example api.listenUris |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
config create
config create
Create a default Seq.json
file, if none exists.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
config get
config get
View a field from the Seq.json
Option | Description |
-k , --key=VALUE | The field, for example api.listenUris |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
config hash
config hash
Read a password from STDIN
and print a salted, Base64 encoded cryptographic hash of the password that is suitable for storing in configuration fields (leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed).
config legacy
config legacy
View and set fields in the Seq.json file; run with no arguments to list all fields.
Option | Description |
-c , --clear | Clear the field |
--create | Create the config file if none exists |
-k , --key=VALUE | The field, for example api.listenUris |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
-v , --value=VALUE | The field value, comma-separated if multiple values are accepted; if not specified, the command will print the current value |
config list
config list
View all fields in the Seq.json
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
config set
config set
Set a field in the Seq.json
Option | Description |
-k , --key=VALUE | The field, for example api.listenUris |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
-v , --value=VALUE | The field value, comma-separated if multiple values are accepted |
--value-stdin | Read the value from STDIN |
Generate documentation.
Option | Description |
-o , --output=VALUE | Set the output path to which documentation files will be written (the default is the current directory) |
Show information about available commands.
seq seq help config set
Option | Description |
--pre | Show preview commands |
metastore dump
metastore dump
Dump entries from Seq's internal metastore into JSON files.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
metastore to-mssql
metastore to-mssql
Reconfigure and move the internal metastore to a Microsoft SQL Server/Azure SQL Database.
Option | Description |
-c , --connection-string=VALUE | The connection string for the target database |
--msi-resource=VALUE | If the connection must use an Azure Managed Service Identity, the resource for which to request an access token; normally this will be ; the default is to not use an Azure MSI |
--msi-tenant-id=VALUE | If using an Azure Managed Service Identity and the identity has access to multiple tenants, the tenant id; the default is to not specify a tenant id |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
--schema=VALUE | The schema under which to store metadata; the default is dbo |
--skip-config | Don't save connection information (useful if the connection string will be supplied in an environment variable once the metastore is moved) |
metastore to-postgresql
metastore to-postgresql
Reconfigure and move the internal metastore to a PostgreSQL database.
Option | Description |
-c , --connection-string=VALUE | The connection string for the target database |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
--schema=VALUE | The schema under which to store metadata; the default is seq |
--skip-config | Don't save connection information (useful if the connection string and schema will be supplied an environment variables once the metastore is moved) |
node describe
node describe
Describe the cluster role of this node.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
node follow
node follow
Put this node into the follower role.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
node lead
node lead
Put this node into the leader role.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
node reset
node reset
Reset the current node to standalone state.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
node setup
node setup
Set up this node as a member of a Seq cluster; the node will be configured in the follower role.
Option | Description |
--authentication-key-stdin | Read the cluster authentication key from STDIN ; either this or -k must be specified |
--cluster-listen=VALUE | The URI of the current node's cluster endpoint; when the current node is leader, it will listen for cluster traffic at this address |
--internal-api=VALUE | The cluster-internal URI of this node's web API endpoint; this information will be available to other nodes in the cluster |
-k , --authentication-key=VALUE | The cluster authentication key; either this or --authentication-key-stdin must be specified |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
--node-name=VALUE | The informational name associated with the current node. If not specified, a default name will be used. |
--peer-cluster=VALUE | The URI of the next peer node's cluster endpoint; when the current node is not leader, it will attempt to connect to the leader node at this address |
--peer-internal-api=VALUE | The cluster-internal URI of the next peer node's web API endpoint; when the node is not leader, it will proxy incoming API traffic to this address |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
Restore from a backup of the Seq configuration and metadata.
Option | Description |
-b , --backup=VALUE | The .seqbac file to restore from; this must have been created with the exact Seq version in use |
--confirm | Assume y for any confirmations |
--enable-apps | Enable streaming events to plug-in Seq apps; by default, apps must be manually re-enabled after restoring |
--from-latest | Restore the most recent nightly backup on this instance, using the current secret key, and re-enable all apps |
-k , --secret-key=VALUE | The Base64 encoded encryption key (enclose in double quotes to escape embedded equals signs) |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
Run the server process.
Option | Description |
--default-admin-password-stdin | Read a default password for the first administrator account from STDIN ; the password will be requested, but ignored, after the first time Seq is run |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
--nologo | |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
secret clear
secret clear
Remove a configuration field override from the secret store.
Option | Description |
-k , --key=VALUE | The field, for example api.listenUris |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
secret set
secret set
Override a configuration field by adding a value to the secret store.
Option | Description |
-k , --key=VALUE | The field, for example api.listenUris |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
-v , --value=VALUE | The field value, comma-separated if multiple values are accepted |
--value-stdin | Read the value from STDIN |
service install
service install
Install the Seq server as a Windows service. Windows only.
Option | Description |
-l , --listen=VALUE | Set the URL(s) to listen on; the default is 'http://localhost:5341' |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-p , --password=VALUE | The password for the Windows account to run the service under |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
--setup | Install and start the service only if it does not exist; otherwise reconfigure the binary location |
-u , --username=VALUE | The name of a Windows account to run the service under; if not specified the Local System account will be used |
service list
service list
List Seq Windows services installed on the machine. Windows only.
service restart
service restart
Restart the Seq Windows service. Windows only.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
service start
service start
Start the Seq server as a Windows service. Windows only.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
service status
service status
Show the status of the Seq Windows service. Windows only.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
service stop
service stop
Stop the Seq Windows service. Windows only.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
service uninstall
service uninstall
Uninstall the Seq Windows service. Windows only.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
Print the encryption key ('secret key') used to protect sensitive fields and backup files.
Option | Description |
--generate | Generate and print a new key to use with another Seq instance |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
Reset a user's password.
Option | Description |
-n , --name=VALUE | If multiple Seq instances are in use, the name of the instance |
-p , --password=VALUE | The password for the user account |
--require-change | Require a password change next time the user logs in |
-s , --storage=VALUE | Specify the folder where data for this instance is stored; C:\ProgramData\Seq(\Instance[Name]) is used by default. |
-u , --username=VALUE | The name of the user account |
Print the current executable version.
Updated about 1 month ago