Stability Troubleshooting
Troubleshoot server crashes and other stability problems
Is the Seq process crashing? Are unexpected errors reported in the UI? Seq is normally rock-solid stable, but if something's going wrong this page will help you gather information so that our Support Team can help you out.
Log Files
Seq writes its own internal error log files in JSON format. On Windows, logs are written to C:\ProgramData\Seq\Logs. In Docker, logs are written to /data/Logs. This is the case even when varying storage paths are configured, unless explicitly overridden in Seq.json.
Log files are rolled on a per day basis and retained for 30 days.
The clef-tool provides a nice command-line pretty printer for these logs, and can even forward them to another Seq instance for viewing.
Error Tokens
When an exception is reported either to applications logging to Seq, or to the Seq UI, an error token will be provided. This is a unique (GUID) string that will also be written along with error details into the Seq log file. Including the error from the log along with any support ticket will help us investigate any issues.
Getting Help
Please include the full diagnostic report if possible when contacting the Seq support team.
Updated 11 days ago