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There are three ways to get application logs into Seq: using a logging library, using the HTTP ingestion API, or with the seqcli command-line.


The most popular method for logging to Seq is through an application logging library. If you are new to Seq, that's a good place to start.

Application logging libraries

Most languages and frameworks have existing logging libraries, or logging APIs.

If your application uses a logging library that has direct support for Seq, such as Serilog, Pino, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and others, this is your best option. Head to the Logging Libraries section for recommendations on how to log to Seq from various libraries.

Otherwise, if your logging library supports popular formats and protocols like GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) or Syslog, you can send logs in these formats to Seq by installing the appropriate Seq Input Apps in Settings > Apps.

Sending logs via HTTP

Send logs directly to Seq using the HTTP ingestion API. Logs can be sent individually, or in batches.

From the command line with seqcli

Send logs to Seq using the seqcli log command.

If you are a Windows user, seqcli comes installed with Seq. On Linux and macOS, seqcli must be downloaded separately.