
Aggregate Functions

Available in Seq SQL queries

The following operators can be used in aggregate queries.


Given an expression, return true if the expression is true for any or all events in the stream.

select any(@Level = 'Error') from stream


Given an expression, compute the last N values that appear for that expression.

The bottom function cannot appear with any other aggregate functions.

select bottom(StatusCode, 5) from stream group by RequestPath

The default ordering for select queries on stream is time-ascending. See also: top(), first(), last().


Given a property name, computes the number of events that have a non-null value for that property.

The special property name * can be used to count all events.

select count(*) from stream where has(@Exception)


Given a property name or expression, computes the set of distinct values for that expression.

The distinct function cannot appear with any other aggregate functions.

select distinct(ExceptionType) from stream where Application like 'Admissions%'

distinct() and count() can be combined to count distinct values without returning them all.

select count(distinct(ExceptionType)) from stream


Given an expression, returns the value of that expression applied to the first or last events in the target range.

select first(Elapsed), last(Elapsed) from stream group by time(5m)


In a query that groups by time, the duration of each time slice.

select count(*) / (interval() / 1d) as per_day
from stream
group by time(30d)


Given a numeric expression or property name, computes the smallest or largest value for that expression.

select min(Elapsed / 1000) as ElapsedSeconds from stream group by time(1h)


Computes the arithmetic mean (average) of a numeric expression or property, i.e. sum(expr) / count(expr).

select mean(ItemCount) from stream group by ItemId

Events where the expression is null or not numeric are ignored and do not contribute to the final result.


Given an expression and a percentage p, calculates the value of the expression at or below which p percent of the results fall.

select percentile(ResponseTime, 95) from stream group by time(1h), MachineName

This is the nearest rank percentile.


Given an expression or property name, calculates the sum of that value.

select sum(ItemsOrdered) from stream group by ItemId

Non-numeric results are ignored.


Select the first N values of an expression.

The top function cannot appear with any other aggregate functions.

select top(StatusCode, 5) from stream group by RequestPath

The default ordering for select queries on stream is time-ascending. See also bottom(), first(), last().