

Details on using the Seq Helm chart

The Seq Docker container stores configuration and log events in its /data directory. For this directory to survive container restarts, it needs to be mapped to a persistent volume. In Kubernetes, this is covered by persistent volumes.

Seq is an IO-heavy workload, so the persistent volume used should be equivalent to local disk storage, for example an Azure Disks VHD or an AWS EBS volume. In cloud-managed Kubernetes services, there may be an existing storage class that corresponds to local disk storage. For example, in Azure there's a managed-premium storage class.

Setting a storage class in the persistence section of your Helm chart configuration will issue a persistent volume claim for that class of storage:

# config.yaml
  storageClass: managed-premium


Only one running Seq container can access a storage volume concurrently: it's not possible to run two or more container instances pointing to the same storage.